Never settle: the added value

Frank Maail business consultant

It is Monday the new CEO has some announcements to make: from now on things will be changing. He used his first 30 days to analyze processes and decided to go back to the drawing table. Today he is presenting a fine tuned strategy aligned with the company’s core values. Your job to implement and pay it forward. You know it will impact headcount and some tough decisions have to be made. Frustrating… Yes, however this is the time to show your leadership skills. After a period of some resistance the effects are visible: profit growth. Continue reading Never settle: the added value

The value of Visual Merchandising (part one)

The value of Visual Merchandising is impressive. Imagine it is 15 minutes prior closing time and you are standing in a store where there is no overview, no clear walkways and it is either dark or TL-lighting is in place. You came to the store to buy a teddy bear (the one displayed in the shop window) for your nephew but you are not able to find it next to the toys but behind some boxes in a dark corner next to the silverware. You look at the price tag and see that this plate (?) costs you €5,-, at least that’s what the label on the shelf says. (apparently someone did not replenished the store well) You are looking around to find a staff member to tell you the price but there is nobody around. At the till you see the price of €25. This is over your intended budget however you are buying this bear because there was no other option. Since all the stores are closed and you are the only one in this store left you needed to find this product. Now if you had more time… Did you consider going to this store in the first place? You were triggered by the bear in the window but standing in the opening of the store you could have made up your mind. With this experience you would not go back to this store as this will take too much time and probably frustration.

Does the example point out the value of Visual Merchandising? Yes, it does! Continue reading The value of Visual Merchandising (part one)